Saturday, February 5, 2011

This could happen to your backyard if you attack an ANBU

Takes only 7 D.A.V.E. and KABOOM!!!


  1. You failed to mention that this is one of the NPC maps. Kozu tribe specifically, and everything is low level.

  2. Sorry for not mentioning it. I really hate Kozu tribe cause they're always attacking my backyard so i decided to pay them with a nice reward. Thanks for the comment Chaz :]

  3. Yeah, I realized my comment was kinda rude... I didn't want to waste the resources on DAVEs when I wasted them. I just used upgraded fangs and crabatrons. Let the crabatrons take care of the defense towers while the fangs destroyed everything else.

  4. Well,I was used to attack with huge number of Ichis and 8 Fangs and they're effective but the problem is that when it step to a booby trap -Kaboom!!!- they're easily defeated by towers due to lower HP left and then recently, there are the monster bunkers that contains DAVE and could damaged easily my monsters so i change my strategy to DAVE, in order to battle equally with the DAVE in the bunker. Your strategy is also good and maybe next time I'll try it. Thanks for the comment Quixjote.
    ( Are you not DON QUIXOTE? ) :]

  5. Heh, Don Quixote is where the name comes from, to be sure. I combine both the Mexican and Spain spellings.

    I still believe in a strong sense of doing the right thing to the best of my ability, and not being afraid of what others think of me for doing so. (sometimes I also live in my own little fantasy world ;) )

    I find when going in against the NPC maps, I go in two attacks... first attack I send in just a ton on banditos to take care of the traps. I use the banditos because they will handle a couple hits from towers, and usually end up getting splatted well by the traps, without wasting too much of my own resources.

    from there, I can "usually" attack with the crabatrons and fangs without too much worry about the traps.

    - The Mad Coyote Chaz
