Sunday, February 6, 2011

What are medals for?

Congratulations you are now an honor student in Doomsday Defense

Take this Gold Medal with you. 

Thank you Squad Leader Anbu.

Well, before that, please share your ideas with this Doomsday Defense.
 and shut up laughing guy


This is a Doomsday Defense Review:

Doomsday Defense is a tower defense game wherein you build powerful towers, wipe out freaky monsters, join forces with friends and take the goods by force from enemy players. Doomsday Defense combines all the outstanding features of tower defense games to create an experience where the excitement never ends!

There are 3 races. These are Demons, Humans and Spirits- which race you will choose?
For more info’s click this  Link

What are coins?
Coins are used for building tower, upgrading castle, academy, soul tower, mining level, dynamite level, defense level, activating dungeon and recruiting monsters.

How to achieve more coins?
{Break your piggy bank }
Coins can be achieved through doing quests specially the daily quests; claiming chests in you, friends and monsters; and purchase by cash or voucher.

What is cash?
Cash is use to buy gems, items, resources and blueprints in the shop.

What is voucher?
Like cash, it is use to buy gems, items, resources and blueprints in the shop.

How to achieve more vouchers?
Claiming Chests, newbie gift, friend gift and achieving rewards from Endless dungeon.

How to fight?
Click the FIGHT button.

What is Map button?
It shows the map.

How to hire workers?
Click hire button > hire more> then choose worker you like.

Why hire more workers?
To build towers; upgrading towers, castle, and other technologies in a less time; and for fast repair of towers and castle.
*Only one worker is permanent. The rest expires.
Three types of workers:
1. Professional- reduce construction time by 10%
2. Skilled- reduce construction time by 5%
3. Common-construct towers over a period of time

What is Quest button?
It shows your quests.
Main Quest- Main Tutorial: Basics
Sub Quest- Sub Tutorial: Building, Upgrading and Recruiting
Challenge-Defeating Monsters
Daily- Exchanging Materials (Getting More Coins)

*Note: SICC- Stands for Stone-Iron-Crystal-Coin
Challenge Quests:
Survival Test 1
SICC: 800
Fallen Ghoul 1
Hp: 250
Speed: 45
Quantity: 50
Total Attack Power: 833

Survival Test 2
SICC: 800
Blood Poison x 2
Fallen Ghoul 2
Hp: 450
Speed: 55
Quantity: 100
Total Attack Power: 1666

Survival Test 3
SICC: 1000
Ruby x 1
Fallen Ghoul 3
Hp: 800
Speed: 65
Quantity: 150
Total Attack Power: 2500

Survival Test 4
SICC: 1500
Fallen Ghoul 4
Hp: 1600
Speed: 65
Quantity: 200
Total Attack Power:  4000

Survival Test 5
SICC: 2000
Fallen Ghoul 5
Hp: 2400
Speed: 70
Quantity: 250
Total Attack Power: 5000

Survival Test 6
SICC: 2500
Fallen Ghoul 6
Hp: 2400
Speed: 75
Quantity: 300
Total Attack Power: 7000

(Please make sure you have powerful towers before taking Survival 7 and so on):
Survival Test 7
SICC: 4000
Fallen Ghoul 7
Hp: 5000
Speed: 75
Quantity: 400
Total Attack Power: 10666
Defeat Adolf
SICC: 300
Cunning Boss
Hp: 200
Speed: 50

Defeat Anderson
SICC: 600
Gargoyle Boss
Hp: 400
Speed 60

Defeat Barkla
SICC: 1000
Golem Boss
Hp: 700
Speed 60

Defeat Red Golem
SICC: 1500
Blood Poison x 2
Red Golem Boss
Hp: 2000
Speed: 50

Defeat Gladiator
SICC: 2000
Gladiator boss
Hp: 3000
Speed: 65

Purify Rotten Ghoul
SICC: 3000
Ghoul boss
Hp: 4500
Speed: 70

(Please make sure you have powerful towers before taking this Purify Screamer and so on):
Purify Screamer
SICC: 3000
Hp: 24000
Speed: 40
Quantity: 10
Total Attack Power: 4000

Gold Challenge
Gold Challenge 1
Golden Ogre 1 (Golden Beast)
SICC: 1000
Hp: 700
Speed: 50
Quantity: 10
Total Attack Power: 150

Gold Challenge 2
Golden Ogre 2 (Golden Beast)
SICC: 2500
Hp: 800
Speed: 55
Quantity: 20
Total Attack Power: 300

Gold Challenge 3
Golden Ogre 3 (Golden Beast)
SICC: 3500
Large Hourglass x 1
Hp: 1000
Speed: 60
Quantity: 30
Total Attack Power: 450

Gold Challenge 4
Golden Ogre 4 (Golden Beast)
SICC: 5500
Hp: 1200
Speed: 55
Quantity: 40
Total Attack Power: 533

Gold Challenge 5
Golden Ogre 5 (Golden Beast)
SICC: 6500
Large Hourglass x 2
Hp: 1500
Speed: 60
Quantity: 50
Total Attack Power: 833

(Please make sure you have powerful towers before taking Gold Challenge 6 and so on):
Gold Challenge 6
Golden ogre 5 (Golden Beast)
SICC: 6500
Large Hourglass x 2
Hp: 8000
Speed: 60
Quantity: 35
Total Attack Power: 583

Going Beyond
Purify Screamer 2
SIC: 3000
Large Hourglass X 1
Hp: 24000
Speed: 40
Quantity: 15
Total Attack Power: 6000

Blistering Brute 1
SIC: 6000
C: 3000
Hp: 30000
Speed: 65
Quantity: 8
Total Attack Power: 2666

Blistering Brute 2
SIC: 6000
C: 3000
Hp: 30000
Speed: 65
Quantity: 16
Total Attack Power: 5333
Survival Test 8
SICC: 4000
Fallen Ghoul 8
Hp: 6000
Speed: 80
Quantity: 500
Total Attack Power: 8333
Survival Test 9
SICC: 5000
Fallen Ghoul 9
Hp: 8000
Speed: 80
Quantity: 600
Total Attack Power: 18000

What is Tower button?
It shows the tower blueprint and the bag.
*For more Tower info click this Link
*Want high tower blueprint? Go to Level6 Dungeon…

What is Bag button?
It shows items and gems.

What is Shop button?
It shows which gems, items, resources and blueprint to buy.

What is Invade button?
It shows 10 random opponents to attack by deploying monsters in their PVP Map.

What are the other resources?
Besides coin, there are other resources. These are Stone, Iron and Crystal.  These resources are used in building and repairing tower; upgrading and repairing castle; Upgrading Academy, Soul tower, Mines and skills; and recruiting monsters and activating dungeons.

How to achieve more resources?
Claiming chests; receiving gifts, upgrading Castle, Mines and Skills.
The higher level of your Castle, the bigger resources you achieve from your friend’s chest.
The higher level of mines and skills, the greater amount of resources will be harvested.

What is Soul?
Soul is needed to recruit monsters into your army.

What is Dungeon?
A dungeon is a room or cell in which prisoners are held, especially underground.  Well, if that’s in the real world.
In this game, dungeon is an extra challenge that you can gain fantastic prizes such as rubies, medals, coins, hourglasses, energy, blueprint, rebirth and even vouchers. A dungeon map is like the other maps so don’t be afraid to go here just make sure you have lots of resources to build more upgraded towers. And lastly, have a powerful tower so that you can manage to defend your area against strong monsters in the final remaining waves.

How to activate dungeon?
Click dungeon and choose castle you like then activate it. A note appears. Just click ok if proceed and then the ‘activate’ change to ‘enter’. Then click enter. You are now on a plain map with too many spots for tower to build on. Just prepare at least 20000 resources for Level 3 Castle.

What is Magic button?
It is a shortcut button to use items.

How will I know if I level up?
In this game, there is no experience bar and your level depends on Castle Level.
In short, Castle level = Player’s Level.

What are medals for?
Medals are required to summon rare monsters in the Soul Tower.

How to use medal?
Well, just leave it. It does not need activation; it’s a requirement for rare monsters.

What is ruby?
It enhances the level of a tower blueprint by 1.

How to use ruby?
Click the Tower button then click once the ruby and drag to the completed tower blueprint.
* Getting +5 and so on may be careful. Your +8 may back to +4 if you  go adding to +9.


For picture in how to use ruby, just click this Link

*Max level for adding gems on towers: 9
*Max level for upgrading towers: 10

How to achieve more rubies?
To achieve more rubies, you need to do quests, defeating monsters, and entering dungeons.

How to change my race?
To change race just used rebirth card that can be bought at the shop.

What will happen if I rebirth?
{You become a baby again }
You must have a level 3 castle in order to use rebirth card.
After using this item, your race will be changed to other race:
1. All coin, cash, vouchers, resources and items in your chest will remain unchanged.
2. Current workers will remain unchanged.
3. All summoned monsters will be reset to zero.
4. All tower blueprints and blueprint pieces will be reset to zero.
5. All PvE maps will be locked.
6. The PvP Map will be reset to its initial state.
7. The Castle, Soul Tower, Academy and all Resource Mines will be reset to level 1.
8. Skills and Technologies researched in the academy will be reset to zero.

 Are you sure you want to change your race? Hmmm… Still Thinking…


Online Chests:
500 coins - 5 min
SICC x 200 -10 min
SICC x 500 -15 min

Stun Potion – Stop Monsters from moving for 3 seconds.
Blood Potion - Reduce all monsters' HP by 20% for 1 round. Used for PVE Only.
Speed Potion - Increase the movement speed of all monsters by 20%. Used for PVP only. Limited to single used.
Shield Potion - Protect all monsters from attack for 3 seconds. Used for PVP only.
Basic Hourglass - Shorten construction time by 50%
Small Hourglass - Shorten construction time by 1 hour
Medium Hourglass - Shorten construction time by 2 hours
Energy Potion - Restore 10 SP
Advanced Energy Potion - Restore 20 SP
Super Energy Potion - Restore 100% SP
Sapphire- Enhance the level of a turret by 1. Has a higher success rate than Rubies.

*If you can’t defeat the monsters, just try to refresh or close the page to avoid losing of HP.
*Don’t worry about not getting the chests in your map, it will not disappear even you restart your page.But please get it when the game ask you to claim it because you may 
fall down from the chair.
*Click PVP Map and back to defend to change location of your chests. 

And if you found this guy, please report to  <ANBU Community>


  1. Thank you for this guide. Unfortunately I think I now find this guide more entertaining than the game itself... Keep up the great work and see you in the game :D


  2. Thank you Quixjote or Chaz for the very nice comment...-it makes me unfold my mask and take a BIG smile:)..I browsed your page and its nice... I hope my page will be as organized as your page...Can you help me with the advertisement matters or ads sorts of stuffs?

    You can like my Facebook community page so that you can see my updates of my blog.

  3. Anbu,

    Thanks! I am glad that you like the. It is taking a lot of work to get it working correctly, as I am not a great writer by any means... I just do the best I can.

    Hmmm. I had not really considered helping others with the advertising, but seeing as I am already a computer services company to begin with, it would be well within my spectrum of services... I will have to work out the wrinkles for my different ad stuff, but keep asking about it and I will see what I can do for ya.


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